One-Hour Glucose Test Instructions

Your one-hour glucose test (also called “28-week labs”) can be done at any time of day.

Drink all of the glucola beverage within a five-minute period. Do not eat or drink other fluids after drinking the glucola. (A small amount of water is okay.)
Arrive at the lab (with your lab) slip 40 minutes after you finish drinking your glucola to allow time for check-in. Your blood needs to be drawn 1 hour after you have finished drinking the glucola.

Bring a high-protein snack (such as crackers and cheese or peanut butter) to eat after your lab is drawn.

Please note that although you may eat prior to drinking the glucola it is important not to have eaten sugary foods. This may alter your test results.

We will have your test results available at your next scheduled office visit. If your results are abnormal, additional testing will be ordered, and we will call you to schedule those tests.

Quick Facts
  • At 28-weeks pregnant

  • Done anytime of day

  • Drink all of the glucola

OB/GYN Doctors